WordDiagnostics heter nu Ablemind. Välkommen!

Clinical Intelligence for Precision Mental Healthcare

Developed from research at Lund University.
Identifies the type and severity of depression, anxiety and stress and their symptoms.
Shows the effect of medication and treatment for precision medicine and effective evaluation.

Insight is a tool that facilitates and improves everyday life for healthcare providers and their patients.

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A medical device for precision healthcare

At the heart of Precision Mental Healthcare is the clinical assessment. Measurements before, during and after the treatment make it possible to tailor the most suitable treatment for the right person, at the right time, in the long run.

Minding Health's clinical method was developed at Lund University and is based on data from over 10,000 patients. The analysis gives you clear indications of the type and degree of depression, anxiety or stress with a precision that far surpasses clinical rating scales and interviews.

In the service, the patient has to answer a number of questions. We analyze the responses using AI technology and deliver a clinical assessment for depression, anxiety and stress.

We contribute to developing the care of mental illness by relieving the burden on doctors and psychologists with an effective assessment, based on information that the service collects from the patient. The results are delivered directly to you as a healthcare provider and provide deep insights into each individual patient as well as into your business.

Get in touch and we can tell you more, answer your questions and demonstrate how the tool can contribute to your work!

Katarina Kjell
Clinical Psychologist
Awards & Grants
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